It may be dark at 5 p.m., but the spotlight shines on some of the area’s top artists at the annual Winter Juried Exhibition opening Sunday (Nov. 21) at the Anderson Arts Center, 6603 Third Ave.
Best Bet
“More than 150 artists responded to the call and entered over 250 submissions in a variety of media and methods. Artists came from all over the state of Wisconsin and Illinois to showcase their work in this historic mansion,” organizers said.
The Winter Juried Exhibition is open theme and open media, filling gallery space on both floors of the recently renovated art center in a lakefront French Tudor mansion.

The exhibition curator is Glen Larson, and juror, William “Doug” Singsen, is the Associate Professor of Art History and Director, General Education Program at University of Wisconsin-Parkside.
Awards will be announced at Sunday’s opening reception. First-, second- and third-place winners will receive cash prizes, and five artists will be awarded solo shows. The exhibit runs through Jan. 9.
Along with the Winter Juried Exhibition, there’s more to see at Anderson this late fall/winter. The Area Artist Group, composed of Kenosha-area artists, will open their show titled “Happy Endings.” Also, the Arts Center will be decorated for the holidays and feature a collection of nutcrackers. Holiday shopping is available in the art center gift shop.
The resident artists at the Kemper Center’s Lakefront Studios will open their group show in the Lakefront Studios gallery space. The Lakefront Art Studios are located on the third and fourth floors of the Kemper Center above the Simmons Auditorium. Once dorm rooms for the students at Kemper Hall, the spaces are now renovated and rented to artists as work spaces.
The Anderson Arts Center is open Tuesdays-Sundays 1-4 p.m. (closed holidays). Admission is always free; donations are appreciated.
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We may be rushing the season, but to quote a famous showtune, “We need a little Christmas, right this very minute” and local businesses are happy to oblige.
A Cozy Night at Blue House on Friday (Nov. 19) is an after-hours early holiday gathering downtown featuring Jordan Stocker on the piano, refreshments, and gifts included with any purchase.
“We are so lucky to have the most amazing customers a little indie bookstore could ever ask for, and we truly would not be where we are today if it weren’t for all of your love and support. So this holiday season, we thank you!” said Blue House Books owner Sam Jacquest.
Opening night for the second year of Holiday Lights at the Farm, a walkable holiday light display, is set for 3-8 p.m. Friday (Nov. 19) at Jerry Smith Farm, 7150 18th St. Santa Claus will visit every Friday and Saturday evening, and the holiday shop will be open daily.
General admission is $5 for guests 3+ years old. The display is open daily 3-8 p.m through Dec. 19 except Thanksgiving (Nov. 25).
Winter Wonderland, is a holiday bazaar set for 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday (Nov. 20), presented by The Pine Blossom and The Vault Banquet Hall, 625 57th St., Santa appears from noon-3 p.m., 25 local artisans will be on hand with holiday items, food vendors, a fully-decorated Christmas tree giveaway and more.
For those still longing for longer, warmer days, Northside Library presents After Hours Summer Camp for families and children, 6-7:30 p.m. Friday (Nov. 19) in the library’s activity room, 1500 27th Ave.
Try nature smash painting, make a kinetic caterpillar craft, play camp games, and weave an adorable baby turtle. Then, hike through a library scavenger hunt and collect treasures along the way. Families can test their physical endurance by climbing over, jumping along, and pulling themselves through an obstacle course. Registration required. To register, call Youth & Family Services at (262) 564-6150.
Day Tripper
Too cold for a tour of Downtown Milwaukee? The Historic Milwaukee organization thinks so, too, and has found a way to showcase what the city has to offer while keeping visitors warm.
The civic group is moving its historic downtown location sightseeing event indoors, using the city’s skywalks for a toasty tour. “Skywaukee” is set for 1-3 p.m. Saturday (Nov. 20), meeting at the Plankinton Arcade, 161 W. Wisconsin. Registration is required. Cost is $10 for the general public, $7.50 for kids 6-11, $5 for 5-under, free for members.
Touting itself as “Southeastern Wisconsin’s biggest, brightest, most dazzling holiday light show,” the Carnival of Lights at Jellystone Campgrounds in Caledonia opens this weekend.
Two million lights synced with holiday music illuminate the 1.6-mile path through the campground, 8425 Hwy 38, Caledonia.

Grand opening weekend runs 5-11 p.m. Saturday (Nov. 20) and 5-9 p.m. Sunday (Nov. 21). Beginning Nov. 27, the carnival of lights will be open daily, 5-9 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 5-11 p.m. Friday and Saturday.
In addition to the drive-thru light show, indoor attractions including Santa’s Workshop, concessions, and a gift shop are available.
Tickets are $30 per car (up to 8 people), while pricing varies for large passenger vans and buses/campers. For more information, check out the Christmas Carnival of Lights website.

The Lineup
FRIDAY, Nov. 19
Two Jims (Irish Folk Duet), 9 p.m., Union Park Tavern, 4520 8th Ave.
Bella Cain Unplugged, 9 p.m. Mason’s Eatery Pub, 7100 74th Pl. 21-over show.
Carthage College Music Theatre Workshop presents “She Loves Me”, 7:30 p.m. Visual and Performing Arts Lab (VPAL) in the Johnson Arts Center, 2001 Alford Dr. Reserved tickets $7 for general public, complimentary for Carthage students/faculty/staff.

Jerry Smith Farm Holiday Lights Opening Weekend, 3-8 p.m., 7150 18th St. $5 general admission for guests 3+ years old. Daily through Dec. 19 except Thanksgiving.
StoryWalk, Pringle Nature Center Bristol Woods County Park, 9800 160th Ave. Bristol. Free, no pre-registration required and appropriate for all ages. Pringle is open Tuesday-Saturday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (Final weekend, closes Nov. 24).
Summer Camp After Hours (for families with children), 6-7:30 p.m. Northside Library, 1500 27th Ave. Various activities for all. Registration required, call Youth & Family Services at 262-564-6150.
Preschool Story Time, 9:30-10 a.m. and 10:30-11 a.m.,Southwest Library, 7979 38th Ave.
A Cozy Night at Blue House after-hours holiday gathering with music, refreshments, shopping and gift with purchase. 7 p.m. Blue House Books, 5615 6th Ave. A.
Wartime Freedom: Lessons From the Civil War, Third Friday Constitution Discussion Series, noon at the Civil War Museum, 5400 1st Ave. Free.
DeBerge’s Framing & Gallery Holiday Open House, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 2008 63rd St. Refreshments provided.

Jason Patrick (Gorgonzilla, Philip Cook, V!J4Y, LO Kitty). Doors open at 7 p.m. Public Craft Brewing, 628 58th St., $7.
Tail Spin, 8-11 p.m. Union Park Tavern, 4520 8th Ave.
Carthage College Music Theatre Workshop presents “She Loves Me,” 7:30 p.m., Visual and Performing Arts Lab (VPAL) in the Johnson Arts Center, 2001 Alford Dr. Reserved tickets $7 for general public, complimentary for Carthage students/faculty/staff.
Carthage College Opera Workshop, “The Power of Two: Unbreakable Bonds of Love and Friendship.” Two-part program, part one at 3 p.m., Recital Hall in the H. F. Johnson Arts Center, 2001 Alford Dr. Free.
DeBerge’s Framing & Gallery Holiday Open House, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.. 2008 63rd St. Refreshments provided.
Introduction to Ecocaching, 1-2:30 p.m., Pringle Nature Center. Much like geocaching, ecocaching is a “treasure hunt” using GPS coordinates, and allows explorers to learn about the habitats of Bristol Woods while searching for caches in a 1-mile loop around the park. PNC staff will provide GPS units, coordinates and instruction. Suitable for all ages; younger explorers will need adult assistance.
Kenosha HarborMarket Indoor Season, 9-1 p.m., Kenosha Union Club, 3030 39th Ave.
Kenosha Public Market Indoor Season, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., The Vault, 625 57th St.
Young History Heroes Storytime: How Kate Warne Saved President Lincoln, 11 a.m., Civil War Museum, 5400 1st Ave. Free.
Jerry Smith Farm Holiday Lights Opening Weekend, 3-8 p.m., 7150 18th St. $5 general admission for guests 3+ years old. Daily through Dec. 19 except Thanksgiving.

SUNDAY, Nov. 21
Annual Winter Juried Exhibition opening, 1-4 p.m., Anderson Arts Center, 6603 3rd Ave. Free, donations appreciated.
Open Mic with Daniel Thompson and his 3 AM Saints, 4-8 p.m. Fusion, 5104 7th Ave.
Cy’s Piano Jam, 4 p.m., Union Park Tavern, 4520 8th Ave.
Carthage College Music Theatre Workshop presents “She Loves Me,” 3 p.m., Visual and Performing Arts Lab (VPAL) in the Johnson Arts Center, 2001 Alford Dr. Reserved tickets $7 for general public, complimentary for Carthage students/faculty/staff.
Carthage College Opera Workshop, “The Power of Two: Unbreakable Bonds of Love and Friendship.” Two-part program, part two at 6 p.m., Recital Hall in the H. F. Johnson Arts Center, 2001 Alford Dr.

Wisconsin Lumberjack Legends and Lore (virtual), 2-3 p.m., Kenosha Public Library online. From Paul Bunyan to the Hodag, presenter Chad Lewis’ program is filled with all of the Lumberjack traditions. superstitions and legends and even the supernatural. Registration is free.
GriefShare: Surviving the Holidays. 3-5 p.m., Piasecki Funeral Home, 3720 39th Ave. Facilitated by certified Grief Coach Pastor Charlie Hansen and assisted by Anne Wasilevich and Roger Rodriguez, the program will focus on handling the holidays with a loss no matter how long it’s been. Please register by contacting Anne at 262-658-4101 or More info at
Little Happy Dance Craft and Vendor Fair, 10:30 a.m.-4 pm, Kenosha Moose Lodge, 3003 30th Ave. Free.
Winter Wonderland, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Presented by Pine Blossom and Vault Banquet Hall, 625 57th St. Santa appears from noon-3 p.m., 25 local artisans with holiday items, food vendors, fully decorated Christmas tree giveaway and more.
Jerry Smith Farm Holiday Lights Opening Weekend, 3-8 p.m., 7150 18th St. $5 general admission for guests 3+ years old. Daily through Dec. 19 except Thanksgiving.
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