Harbor Park Health and Fitness

Open 9AM - 12PM

About This Business


Whatever you are looking to achieve, we have the program and the expertise for you to succeed.

Expert Trainers

Our certified training staff will ensure you are doing exercises safely and efficiently.

Like-minded community

Be encouraged by a community of people who care about your success just as much as their own.

Guidance tailored toward your goals

Whatever your goals are, we’ll help you figure out the right plan and stick to it, no matter what.

Find the solution that fits YOUR specific needs:

  • Weight Loss: If your goal is weight loss, we start by understanding your lifestyle as well as your diet and exercise habits. From there we come up with your custom plan and help you stick to it.
  • Fitness: For those who like to get after it – our Fitness programs are designed to push your body out of its comfort zone, to challenge you, and to get you in the best shape of your life.
  • Health: Our Health offerings are designed to promote healing and rejuvenation. Whether you prefer less intense exercise, or just need a little extra recovery in your training, Health will be an important piece of your plan.

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