Jermirah Amour Howard, beloved child of Jeremiah Howard and Brionna Moore Barnes, received her angel’s wings on Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at Froedtert South Pleasant Prairie Hospital. She brought sunshine and joy into the lives of those who loved her dearly; our family’s special little angel.
Jermirah is deeply loved by and will be missed by her parents, Jeremiah Howard and Brionna Moore Barnes.
To Our Beautiful Baby:
I promise you no one could tell us anything other than… You. Were, are, and will forever be a super star. Your life was ordained for greatness. We believe in you. Words can’t describe the love and pain we feel at once but you beautiful baby surmounts all with the angelic presence we got to experience. Those blinking eyes, fingers in your mouth, and that heart warming smile. It meant everything to put a face to an amazing personality. Your wings are beautiful, I know in my heart your trip was graceful, and there is peace in knowing you are in good hands. Ones we live a life now to be in that same place when we’re called home. Babygirl, Mommy & Daddy LOVES you so much. The stars in the sky we see, we know you’re looking down on us.
Rest in paradise princess,
We Love You.
Jermirah Amour Howard