Project culminated as personalized ornaments hand-delivered to younger 'clients'
Understand the toll that salt takes on our infrastructure and freshwater
Celebrate our city's newest authors at the Woman's Club of Kenosha
Herzing will develop a dedicated Center of Excellence for Veteran Student Success (CEVSS) in Kenosha
Four Outstanding Graduates and one Chancellor's Award Recipient to be honored
Under the direction of Julie Ann Seidl, two-weekend run of musical starts Friday
KTEC High School Enrollment for the 2023-24 School Year is open now for grades 9 - 11 through December 14,…
Mary Lou & Arthur F. Mahone Fund partnering with KUSD and RUSD
Diversity and Inclusion Manager receives 2022 Outstanding Women of Color in Education Award
Attendees will discover how playwriting is accomplished
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