
Dr. Dominique Pritchett helping shatter the stigma about mental wellness

Beloved Wellness Center CEO discusses the benefits of therapy

4 years ago

Kenoshan of the Week: Krista Maurer

Bellissima's Boutique owner makes her presence felt in the community

4 years ago

From Kenosha to La Jolla: Surf’s up for Mike Samer and Everyday California

Company offers everything from ocean adventures to apparel

4 years ago

Kenoshan of the Week: Jake Hoey

With his recent trip to Hawaii, "Kenosha Weather Guy" has now visited all 50 states

4 years ago

A well-deserved retirement for St. Joseph Catholic Academy icon Bob Freund

The longest-serving president in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee has held the dual role of SJCA President and Principal since 2017

4 years ago

Kenoshan of the Week: Robert Cis

Streetcar driver goes above and beyond for wedding couple

4 years ago

Kenoshans of the Week: Brooke Clements and Sawyer Smith

Holy Rosary Sports Night Committee tabs senior duo Outstanding Athletes of the Year

4 years ago

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