Shelter Director for Wisconsin Humane Society Kenosha Campus has turned passion for animals into career helping both animals and people
Sweet, shy 1.5 year old Kasey is waiting for her forever home!
Racine Horlick High School manufacturing and engineering teacher Jeff Trinka was never a fan of gummy bears. Until now.
The event is considered one of the largest Hispanic gatherings in Kenosha history
Husband-and-wife duo have been serving up delicious sandwiches and other great offerings at Morelli's Deli and Catering for 25 years
With a meticulous work ethic and love for the city, Santo Principe spent 34 years leaving his mark throughout Kenosha
Bradford graduate now teaches middle school in Oregon, recently received major award for exemplary work at his school
It’s a day – despite decades past – that brings back vivid memories for many
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