William Dean Plutchak, age 84, of Kenosha, passed away peacefully at his home on October 5th, 2022. Born and raised in Kenosha, he was born on September 21st, 1938 to the late Leopold and Amy (Antes) Plutchak. On November 22nd, 1958 he married Nancy Bokmueller at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Kenosha. After marriage, he and his wife moved to California where all his children were born, moving back to Kenosha in 1971. He was employed at Snap-On Tools where he retired from in 1998. He was a passionate bowler, golfer and enjoyed fixing anything he could get his hands on.
He is survived by his wife, son Timothy (Lynnea) Plutchak, daughters Sharon Lovely, and Carol Cartwright, as well as 6 grandchildren, 9 great-grandchildren, as well as many nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by his parents, siblings Helen, Leo, Ray, Virginia, and Rosemary, numerous Aunts and Uncles, and many terrific friends.
The family would like to thank all the staff from Aurora at Home Hospice and Dr. Malik Bandealy at Aurora Care Center in Kenosha for all their wonderful care.